Families Through Adoption is a fully Hague Accredited program through the Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME) until August 21, 2027. This accreditation allows us to achieve our mission of assisting in the facilitation of the adoption of children in their Michigan homes with their forever families through ethical and legal adoptions. We have demonstrated the ability to meet the international standards outlined in the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption.
The Hague Convention was developed as an international agreement between countries that are designed to protect children adopted around the world. It has two specific goals. First, It establishes security that birth families, children, and adoptive families are afforded the protection of ethical and legal adoptions. Second, this makes sure that all children are safe from exploitation, trafficking, or sale, and are placed into properly prepared families.
For more information on the Hague Convention and Intercountry Adoption Act, see the following:
- Hague Convention
- The Intercountry Adoption Act
- IAAME– Summary of the Provisions of the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 (IAA)
Hague Accredited programs, such as Families Through Adoption, are required to provide the following information upon request: the number of adoption placements per year for the prior three calendar years, and the number and percentage of those placements that remain intact, are disrupted, or have been dissolved as of the time the information is provided; the number of parents who apply to adopt on a yearly basis, based on data for the prior three calendar years; and the number of children eligible for adoption and awaiting an adoptive placement referral via the agency or person.
At this time, Families Through Adoption is a home study only program. We do not receive international adoption applications, place children, nor do we have any children awaiting placement. We proudly pair with ethical Hague approved programs to serve the needs of families throughout the State of Michigan. We also do not have any disrupted children in our files.
Department of State Contact to issue a complaint
Sample Adoption Services Contract

Financial Audit–last approved audit completed on September 30, 2022.
Please note: in addition to this website, this information is also available upon request.
- Limitations: The information and comments on this website are based on professional advice, experience and opinion, but do not represent therapeutic recommendation or prescription. For specific information and advice, consult your personal physician, attorney, financial advisor, and/or tax preparer.
- Information Tracked: Families Through Adoption’s web site address (URL) is www.familiesthroughadoption.org. When you visit our web site, our web servers do not currently recognize, track, or record the IP address, e-mail addresses or domain names so we will not identify who is accessing the page. We merely “count” the number of times the site is accessed in the aggregate as well as individual pages solely for statistical purposes.
- Cookies Utilized: As you browse the FTA website, please know we do not currently choose to utilize advertising cookies.
- Improvement on Website: If you have other questions about this website, or have suggestions on how it may be improved, please feel free to e-mail us at support@familiesthroughadoption.org, or contact us by telephone at 616-242-9696.
- Right to Change: Families Through Adoption reserves the right to change this website and the information on it at any time. Any changes to policy or practices will be posted as soon as they go into effect. It is your responsibility to refer to this information upon accessing this site.